Financial information

Financial Information


The Canal de Isabel II budgets are contained in the Community of Madrid general budgets - Regional Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Regional Government Spokesperson. For the current budget please visit the Community of Madrid website.

Audit and Inspection Reports

Access the audit reports of the audit chamber of Canal de Isabel II and its business group.

Information about income and expenses

Access basic information on the financing of the public entity, as well as all the data related to personnel expenses, rental expenses, advertising expenses and the total expenses incurred in the form of aid or subsidies.

Income and expenses

Debt information

Access a detailed summary of the amount of the entity's current Financial Debt and its evolution, loan, credit and public debt issuance operations, guarantees and guarantees provided, as well as financial leasing operations. In addition, Canal de Isabel II makes public the current loan contracts.

Financial debt

Access data on the current public debt of Canal de Isabel II and its evolution over the five previous years.


Financial debt pdf

Contratos de préstamo

Accede y consulta toda la información relacionada con los contratos de préstamo vigentes.