European Funds

European Funds

The General Subdirectorate of European Funds and Regional Policy coordinates the programmes co-financed by European Funds of the Regional Community Policy. Check the details about European funding in the Community of Madrid here.

The Directorate General of European Funds is the body of the Central Administration responsible for the study, evaluation and coordination of the management of the application in Spain of the Structural Funds, especially the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), and the Cohesion Fund. See all the details here.


Valmayor Módulos FEDER


Plan Solar Módulos FEDER

Plan Solar

Plan Red Módulos FEDER

Plan Red

Digitization of the water cycle Módulos FEDER

Digitization of the water cycle

hydrogen plant Módulos FEDER

Hydrogen plant


Next Generation Funds

Find out all the details about the projects financed through Next Generation funds.

Informative brochure

2021-2027 term

Access and consult the whole cofinanced project that took place during 2021-2027

Informative brochure

2014-2020 term

Access and consult the whole cofinanced project that took place during 2014-2020.

Informative brochure

2007-2013 term

Access and consult the whole cofinanced project that took place during 2007-2013.

Informative brochure