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LOS MEJORES CONSEJOS PARA AHORRAR AGUA EN TU HOGAR El agua es un recurso muy valioso y debemos usarlo con responsabilidad: en este artículo te proponemos varias recomendaciones con las que alcanzar un consumo más eficiente
¿CÓMO CONTACTO CON CANAL DE ISABEL II? Por teléfono, presencialmente en Madrid capital, por correo electrónico…: repasamos las alternativas de las que dispones si quieres contactar con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente o hacer trámites por tu cuenta
VOLANDO EN EL SUBSUELO: DRONES HECHOS A MEDIDA PARA RECORRER LAS REDES DE ALCANTARILLADO En Canal de Isabel II utilizamos vehículos autopilotados para inspeccionar grandes conducciones de aguas residuales y así reducir los riesgos laborales de los operarios; las imágenes que graban se analizan posteriormente con la ayuda de la inteligencia artificial para encontrar desperfectos en la red de saneamiento


Taste, aroma and colour are considered the most important attributes of good quality water and are what they most value in the water from Canal de Isabel II

Of those who know the water from other regions, 82 % say they prefer the water from Madrid

It’s no secret that the people of Madrid like their water and are proud of it. But how much do they like it? Do they trust it? What do they value the most? To find out how the people of Madrid perceive the quality of their water, and to draw relevant conclusions about how to improve its services, Canal de Isabel II has carried out a survey based on telephone interviews, consultations with different groups and focus groups. The aim was to get an overview of its customers’ feelings about the water it supplies to them. So we asked our customers, people who have recently moved to the Madrid region, people who visit other areas of Spain frequently, and representatives of sectors in which water is a determining factor for their businesses.

The results are clear: The people of Madrid are satisfied with the region’s water, as more than 96 % of residents choose to drink tap water. Customers say that colour, quality and taste are their main reasons for consuming tap water: it’s soft water, with low mineral content and low in sodium.

Geographically, Madrid’s water is also a winner. Of those who know the water from other regions, 82 % say they prefer the water from Madrid. Paradoxically, although hardness is the attribute that received the lowest score, it’s the best in the country. Taste, on the other hand, is the strong feature of Canal’s water compared to that of other parts of the country, such as Castilla-La Mancha, the Mediterranean coast or the interior southern areas of the Peninsula.

And the quality of Madrid’s water is valued not only by general users but also by more specialised users: the Madrid Paediatricians’ Association advises that tap water is suitable for children: “It is just as good as bottled water. Only for 4-6-month-old children is there any need to boil it a minute for greater safety,” the association states.

Canal’s water is recommended by users: 9 out of 10 madrileños recommend it. And they are conscientious about caring for it and saving it: Two out of every three homes follow the water-saving and care tips for more responsible and efficient consumption.

The people of Madrid like their water and take an interest in it: nearly 8 out of 10 say they would be interested in having more information on water, its origin, features, composition and checks. For this reason, and to ensure that residents continue to be ambassadors for their tap water, Canal de Isabel II is going to provide information on the water it supplies: We want the people of Madrid to continue to be fans of our water.



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Abel plata hernandez 2024-09-26 21:16:14.511 2024-09-26 21:16:14.511

Canal Isabel II 2024-09-27 07:31:00.0 2024-09-27 07:31:00.0

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